Infraestrutura > Construção viária

Baghdad - Akashat - Al-Qain Railway

Mendes Júnior went to the Middle East with a challenge: execute the construction works for the Baghdad-Hsaibah and Al Qaim-Akashat Railway in Iraq. Earthwork services, drainage, structures over waterways and bridges were provided. The main line is 515 km long with 468 km of a double line, patios and branches.
ProjectBaghdad - Akashat - Al-Qain Railway
Technical Description:Obras de construção da Ferrovia Baghdad-Hsaibah e Al Qaim-Akashat no Iraque, compreendendo terraplenagem, drenagem, pontes, obras de arte correntes e demais serviços complementares na implantação da via permanente.
Segment Performance,