Industrial > Complexos Industriais

Hemobrás Plant II

In addition to the Homobrás Plant I, Mendes Júnior is executing an installation and services work for continuation of the Empresa Brasileira de Hemoderivados e Biotecnologia (Hemobrás) industrial park. The company is responsible for construction of Blocks B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B10, B11, B12, B13, B16, B18, B19, B20 and P01.
ProjectHemobrás Plant II
ContratanteHemobrás Plant
AddressRodovia BR 101, Km 2 - Goiana-PE
LocationGoiana - PE
Technical Description:Execução das obras de instalações e serviços para continuidade do parque industrial da Hemobrás.
Segment Performance,