In Reniaria Gabriel Passos, in Minas Gerais, Mendes Júnior was involved in providing services and materials for installation of cracked naphtha hydrodesulphurization (HDS), light coke naphtha hydrotreatment (HDT) and hydrogen generation (UGH) units and systems.
- Project REGAP
- Contractor Petrobras
- Address Rod BR 381, km 427 - Jardim Piemonte - Betim - MG
- Location Betim - MG
- Technical description Serviços e fornecimentos para implantação das unidades e sistemas de hidrodessulfurização de nafta craqueada (HDS), de hidrotratamento de nafta leve de coque (HDT), e geração de hidrogênio (UGH).
- Segment Oil and Gas, Onshore