BR-101 – Lote 1 AL
BR 101 is one of the longest highways in Brazil and Mendes Júnior is responsible for duplication and restoration works in the Alagoas stretch. Lot 1 of the project is on the border between Pernambuco and Alagoas (the Jacuípe River Bridge), entering Highway AL-220 (in São Miguel dos Campos) and continuing 46.35 km on BR 101. The Single Lot of the work is 24.7 km long, located on the border between Paraíba and Pernambuco, beginning after PE-103/126 up to the border of Pernambuco and Alagoas at the Jacuípe River Bridge.
- Project BR-101 – Lote 1 AL
- Contractor DNIT
- Address BR-101, Km 198 - Engenho Capricho
- Location Palmares - PE
- Technical description Obras de duplicação e restauração com melhoramentos na rodovia BR 101/AL.
- Segment Infrastructure, Road construction