Oil and Gas > Onshore


The Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (COMPERJ) is one of Petrobras’ largest individual projects and Mendes Júnior is involved at the location. The company provides goods and services related to verification of the consistency of the technical documentation, as well as preparation of the detailed design. At COMPERJ, Mendes Júnior is also responsible for part of the civil construction, electromechanical assembly, interconnections, commissioning (preservation, conditioning, pre-operation and start-up assistance and assisted operation) and tests of the Pipe-Rack.
  • Project COMPERJ
  • Contractor Petrobras
  • Address Estrada Vargem Grande, 179 - Fazenda Viveiro - Alto do Jacu
  • Location Itaboraí - RJ
  • Technical description Fornecimento de bens e prestação de serviços de verificação de documentação técnica, elaboração do projeto executivo, construção civil, montagem eletromecânica, interligações, comissionamento e testes.
  • Segment Oil and Gas, Onshore

Operation Segments