Concepción Airport
In constructing an airport terminal capable of handling 1 million passengers in the city of Concepción, Chile, Mendes Júnior was responsible for implementing a design with areas for services, concessions, a public hall and basic services facilities, such as drinkable water, sewage, electrical, communications, fire and gas and climate control systems. Called the New Passenger Terminal of Carriel Sur Airport, the building area is 8,190 m².
- Project Concepción Airport
- Contractor Direccion Regional de Aeropuertos
- Address Aerodromo Carriel Sur, Casilla 3657 - Concepcion - Chile
- Location Chile
- Technical description Chamado de Novo Terminal de Passageiros do Aeroporto Carriel Sur, a área do edifício possui 8.190 m2
- Segment Infrastructure, Ports and airports