Infrastructure > Projects Underway > Road construction

Metrô SP – Linha 5 – Lilás

In one of its projects for the São Paulo subway system, Mendes Júnior was hired to handle civil construction works for the No. 5 Line – Mauve (Lot 4) that includes the overall work and finishing of the stretch from the Água Espraiada station to Bandeirante shaft.
  • Project Metrô SP – Linha 5 – Lilás
  • Contractor Metrô
  • Address Rua Comendador Eduardo Saccab, 11 - Brooklin Paulista
  • Location São Paulo - SP
  • Technical description Execução das obras civis, contemplando obra bruta e acabamento.
  • Segment Infrastructure, Projects Underway, Road construction

Operation Segments