Infrastructure > Ports and airports

Port of Dunas Sanitation

Mendes Júnior is a partner of the Tourism Development Program (PRODETUR) in the Northeast for the first stage of expansion and construction of water supply and sewage systems for the Port of Dunas in Aquiraz.
    • Project Port of Dunas Sanitation
    • Contractor Setur (CE) - Secretaria de Turismo do Estado do Ceará
    • Address Av. Litorânea, 1.805 - Cararu
    • Location Ceará - Aquiraz
    • Technical description Ampliação e implantação de sistemas de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitários do Porto das Dunas - Etapa 1 - Programa PRODETUR Nacional.
    • Segment Infrastructure, Ports and airports

    Operation Segments