Mendes Júnior is responsible for projects that are the cornerstone of the development of Brazil and other countries as well. Some of these projects are as follows: the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant, the Rio-Niterói Bridge, and the TSQ-1 Hydroelectric Plant in China. In this market, Mendes Júnior has developed construction projects for roads, expressways, bridges, viaducts, terminals, railways, airports, hydroelectric plants, ports, subways, and sanitation/waste water.
Ports and airports
Road construction
North Ring Road – Lot 1
Octavio Frias de Oliveira Stayed Bridge
CPTM – Tamanduateí Station
Metrô’s Green Line
Metrô SP – Linha 5 – Lilás
CPTM – Suzano Station
CPTM – Line 7 Rubi
BR 163-364 – MT
BR-429 RO
Rio-Niterói Bridge
BRT East-West
Cidade da Copa Branch
BR-101 PE
Una River Bridge Complex
BR-101 – Lote 1 AL
Manaus Monorail
Rodovia Expressway nº 1
Baghdad – Akashat – Al-Qain Railway
RODOANEL (Beltway)
Highway DF-085 – EPTG
Arrudas Boulevard IV
MG Administrative Center
Boulevard Arrudas V